Yuki(Yuuki) is No.1: Japan’s Top 2025 Seiyuu Name’s Ranking

While researching voice actors who share the same surname in English notation, I was curious if there are any surnames or first names that are common among voice actors. So, from the list of approximately 2,500 voice actors currently registered with SeiyuJournal, I counted those whose FirstName and LastName in English have the same spelling.
This ranking also shows the most common names among Japanese people. The results up to 5th place are as follows!
Ranking of Voice Actor’s Name (FirstName) and Surname (LastName) in English
RANK | FirstName | the number of people | LastName | the number of people |
1 | Yuki (Yuuki) | 45 | Sato | 30 |
2 | Yuka (Yuuka) | 23 | Saito | 23 |
3 | Ayaka | 22 | Suzuki | 20 |
4 | Yui | 20 | Ito (Itoh/Itou) | 19 |
5 | Daisuke | 19 | Nakamura | 17 |
Seiyu fans, have you ever had a name that you somehow felt was common among voice actors?
It is difficult to find reliable data on the nationwide ranking of name readings in Japan.
In the Phonebook Notation Ranking, there are many male names such as “清Kiyoshi,” “勇Isamu,” “進Susumu,” “弘Hiroshi,” and “勝Masaru” because the head of the household is often male. In recent years, with the spread of cell phones, there are fewer people with landlines, so there seems to be a generational bias as well.
For this reason, we would like to focus on and summarize the “name” when written in English, regardless of gender! You may also learn a little about the Japanese name way of naming things!
No. 1: Yuki (Yuuki) / 45 persons
The names Yuki and Yuuki are common in the voice acting world! Since these names are common among both men and women, they were in first place in the Dantotsu ranking. There are two different readings of the name Yuki, such as Yuki Nakajima and Yūki, such as Yuki Ono and Yuki Kaji, but when written in English, both are often rendered as Yuki.
Kanji | Hiragana | FirstName | LastName | Production |
有元勇輝 | ありもとゆき | Yuki | Arimoto | power-rise |
堂坂有希 | どうさかゆき | Yuki | Dousaka | wise production |
藤原祐規 | ふじわらゆうき | Yuki | Fujiwara | Amuleto |
舟戸勇貴 | ふなとゆうき | Yuki | Funato | EARLY WING |
井上雄貴 | いのうえゆうき | Yuki | Inoue | Mause Promotion |
伊藤雄貴 | いとうゆうき | Yuki | Ito | I’m enterprise |
角平有紀 | つのひらゆうき | Yuki | Kadohira | SIGMA SEVEN e |
甲斐田ゆき | かいだゆうき | Yuki | Kaida | free lance |
梶裕貴 | かじゆうき | Yuki | Kaji | VIMS |
金子有希 | かねこゆうき | Yuki | Kaneko | Aoni Production |
川原ゆき | かわはらゆき | Yuki | Kawahara | BLACK SHIP |
岸上優貴 | きしがみゆうき | Yuki | Kishigami | wise production |
神山裕紀 | こうやまゆき | Yuki | Kouyama | Mause Promotion |
前田優輝 | まえだゆうき | Yuki | Maeda | Amuleto |
増田ゆき | ますだゆき | Yuki | Masuda | Mause Promotion |
増岡勇希 | ますおかゆうき | Yuki | Masuoka | EARLY WING |
松岡由貴 | まつおかゆき | Yuki | Matsuoka | Production Baobab |
宮澤友貴 | みやざわゆき | Yuki | Miyazawa | wise production |
長久友紀 | ながくゆうき | Yuki | Nagaku | Aoni Production |
長野佑紀 | ながのゆき | Yuki | Nagano | EARLY WING |
中島由貴 | なかじまゆき | Yuki | Nakajima | Beffect |
西田雄紀 | にしだゆうき | Yuki | Nishida | Al-share |
大南友希(大南悠) | おおみなみゆき | Yuki | Ominami | B-box |
小野友樹 | おのゆうき | Yuki | Ono | free lance |
大谷祐貴 | おおたにゆうき | Yuki | Otani | Mause Promotion |
陸田由貴 | りくたゆき | Yuki | Rikuta | Amuleto |
酒井勇樹 | さかいゆうき | Yuki | Sakai | EARLY WING |
榊原優希 | さかきはらゆうき | Yuki | Sakakihara | 81produce |
白石佑季 | しらいしゆき | Yuki | Shiraishi | Al-share |
高橋有希 | たかはしゆうき | Yuki | Takahashi | EARLY WING |
高倉裕貴 | たかくらゆうき | Yuki | Takakura | and pixel |
田中有紀 | たなかゆき | Yuki | Tanaka | Hirata Office |
谷口友紀 | たにぐちゆき | Yuki | Taniguchi | Al-share |
鶴見ゆき | つるみゆき | Yuki | Tsurumi | ACROSS ENTERTAINMENT |
若井友希 | わかいゆき | Yuki | Wakai | 81produce |
夜道雪 | よみちゆき | Yuki | Yomichi | Universal Music |
米内佑希 | よないゆうき | Yuki | Yonai | 81produce |
遠藤由貴 | えんどうゆうき | Yuuki | Endou | wise production |
広瀬ゆうき | ひろせゆうき | Yuuki | Hirose | Aoni Production |
熊谷勇起 | くまがいゆうき | Yuuki | Kumagai | wise production |
桑原由気 | くわはらゆうき | Yuuki | Kuwahara | Mause Promotion |
京花優希 | きょうかゆうき | Yuuki | Kyoka | kenyu office |
村田裕基 | むらたゆうき | Yuuki | Murata | wise production |
三瓶雄樹 | さんぺいゆうき | Yuuki | Sanpei | kenyu office |
高田憂希 | たかだゆうき | Yuuki | Takada | Mause Promotion |
No. 2: Yuka (Yuuka) / 23 persons
Second place went to Yuka(Yuuka)! This name is relatively feminine and has a variety of kanji, so I did not have the impression that many of the names were the same, but it is a name that becomes more common when converted to English. There are “Yuka” readings such as Yuka Iguchi and “Yūka” readings such as Yuka Nishio, and both are often displayed as Yuka.
Kanji | Hiragana | FirstName | LastName | Production |
足立由夏 | あだちゆか | Yuka | Adachi | Mause Promotion |
阿井優香 | あいゆうか | Yuka | Ai | Haikyo |
相坂優歌 | あいさかゆか | Yuka | Aisaka | Aptepro |
青池優花 | あおいけゆか | Yuka | Aoike | Amuleto |
綾瀬有架 | あやせゆうか | Yuka | Ayase | Yu-rin pro |
平井佑果 | ひらいゆか | Yuka | Hirai | VACE STUDIO |
井口裕香 | いぐちゆか | Yuka | Iguchi | OSAWA |
風間結歌 | かざまゆか | Yuka | Kazama | Aptepro |
木村優花 | きむらゆか | Yuka | Kimura | power-rise |
小松由佳 | こまつゆか | Yuka | Komatsu | Aoni Production |
実馬夕夏 | みうまゆか | Yuka | Miuma | KeKKe Corporation |
長原ゆか(永原有夏) | ながはらゆか | Yuka | Nagahara | free lance |
西墻由香 | にしがきゆか | Yuka | Nishigaki | Kenproduction |
西尾夕香 | にしおゆうか | Yuka | Nishio | Hibiki |
小川優歌 | おがわゆうか | Yuka | Ogawa | power-rise |
乙葉悠花 | おとわゆうか | Yuka | Otowa | EARLY WING |
大坪由佳 | おおつぼゆか | Yuka | Otsubo | EARLY WING |
尾崎由香 | おざきゆか | Yuka | Ozaki | KENON |
斉藤佑圭 | さいとう ゆか | Yuka | Saito | Aoni Production |
髙橋佑歌 | たかはしゆか | Yuka | Takahashi | EARLY WING |
寺崎裕香 | てらさきゆか | Yuka | Terasaki | Kenproduction |
石井優花 | いしいゆうか | Yuuka | Ishii | Al-share |