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The GEM Standard researched and ranked the "order of the number of fans" and "order of the value of OSHI entertainment brands" focused on the voice-over industry!
A reading play based on “The Man with Twenty Faces” by Daisuke Sakuma x too many gorgeous Seiyu will be held in Tokyo and Osaka in 2025! Featuring Koichi Yamadera, Kappei Yamaguchi, Kazuhiko Inoue, Akio Otsuka, and Hiroki Kaji!
Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma appears in a reading play! The reading play is too gorgeous because Koichi Yamadera/Kohei Yamaguchi will be W-cast as Heikichi Endo, Kazuhiko Inoue/Akio Otsuka will be W-cast as Kogoro Akechi, and Hiroki Kaji will also appear!
Voice actor Nobuhiko Okamoto praised Daisuke Sakuma of Snow Man as “very flattering and wonderful.
Popular voice actor Nobuhiko Okamoto, known for his role as Katsumi Bakugou in “My Hero Academia,” updated his X ( “Reading Theater READING WORLD UNESCO Memory of UNESCO Maizuru: The End of Promise”. ( updated . Daisuke Sakuma (a.k.a. Sakkun) of Snow man, whom he met for the first time at the rehearsal hall for “READING WORLD UNESCO Memory of the World Maizuru,” is “a very good talent without flattery.