2025 List of Freelance Voice Actors of Japanese!Sailor Moon Seiyuu and others also freelance!

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Freelance voice actors are voice actors who work individually without belonging to a voice acting agency.
They manage their own schedules, obtain work, negotiate contracts, etc., and are able to develop their voice acting business in a freer manner, allowing them to express themselves in their own way.
Some popular voice actors who have gained recognition have become independent and are active as freelancers.
On the other hand, there are also those who start out as unknowns. With 300,000 aspiring voice actors, there are only a handful of people who can belong to a voice actor agency. There are those who do not belong to an agency, but use skill-matching services such as Coconara to start their voice acting career and gain experience.
Freelance voice actors who have their own originality and unique personalities are very attractive as talent. In this issue of SeiyuJournal, we have compiled a list of freelance voice actors registered with SeiyuJournal!
List of Freelance Voice Actors
*As of January 29, 2025.
*Alphabetical order by LastName.
Here is a list of freelance voice actors who are currently registered with SeiyuJournal and actively working as voice actors! Please take a moment to check them out.
Seiyu Name | Hiragana | FirstName | LastName |
蒼井翔太 | あおいしょうた | Shota | Aoi |
浅川悠 | あさかわゆう | Yu | Asakawa |
浅野真澄 | あさのますみ | Masumi | Asano |
浅科准平 | あさしなじゅんぺい | Junpei | Asasina |
文曄星 | ぶんようせい | Yousei | Bun |
茅原実里 | ちはらみのり | Minori | Chihara |
榎本温子 | えのもとあつこ | Atsuko | Enomoto |
藤本隆行 | ふじもとたかゆき | Takayuki | Fujimoto |
深見梨加 | ふかみりか | Rika | Fukami |
福井裕佳梨 | ふくいゆかり | Yukari | Fukui |
福山あさき | ふくやまあさき | Asaki | Fukuyama |
古畑恵介 | ふるはたけいすけ | Keisuke | Furuhata |
後藤ヒロキ | ごとうひろき | Hiroki | Goto |
春野ななみ | はるのななみ | Nanami | Haruno |
平川大輔 | ひらかわだいすけ | Daisuke | Hirakawa |
平野綾 | ひらのあや | Aya | Hirano |
平山笑美 | ひらやまえみ | Emi | Hirayama |
細谷佳正 | ほそやよしまさ | Yoshimasa | Hosoya |
More to come!