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BL Sommelier Certification: Professional certification for Boys’ Love(Yaoi) is extremely difficult with a 0.83% pass rate.
Professional certification for those who love BL and burn energy in spreading BL! Japan has a BL sommelier exam, and the 6th exam was held in 2024, with a pass rate of only 0.83%!
2025 Training Schools Ranking of Seiyu Productions Affiliated. Training Institutes Producing Popular Voice Actors.
Voice actor training schools are affiliated with voice actor productions. Based on the 1,000 voice actors surveyed, we calculated our own scores based on the number of graduates, name recognition, active continuation rate, history, and achievements, and made an overall judgment and ranking.
Top 100 HIT Predictions for 2025 No. 3 “Light Anime®” to Expand Opportunities for Voice Actors to Appear in Anime? [Trends]
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Fashion x Seiyu! A Brand Collaboration Revolution to Create New Customers
Japanese voice actors have been involved in a wide range of activities, and in recent years, collaborations between voice actors and fashion brands, as well as apparel production, have been attracting a lot of attention. Seiyu have become fashion leaders for fans of voice actors, and are even providing fans with new fashion experiences. In this article, we will explore this interesting trend in detail!
Special Feature on Olympic Games in Animation
The 2024 Paris Olympics, many of you must have admired the sight of Olympians in action and become interested in their respective sports! Therefore, we would like to introduce a collection of anime based on sports. Soccer:”BLUELOCK” ©Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Yusuke Nomura, Kodansha / “Blue Rock” Production Committee Official website: “Blue Rock” Anime Portal Site ( Features: The story of high school students who gather at “Blue Rock,” a project to develop the world’s best striker that will change the world of soccer in Japan, and use their egoism as a weapon as they grow through fierce survival. Voice Cast: Kazuki Ura / Tasuku Kaito / Yuki Ono / Soma Saito / Masatomo Nakazawa / Yoshitsugu Matsuoka / Shoya Chiba / Hiroshi Kamiya / Takahiro Sakurai / Bin Shimada / Shinichiro Kamio / Daisuke Takahashi / Wataru Komada / Robert Waterman / Aoi Ichikawa / Shuichi Uchida / Sho Fujisawa / Hiromichi Tezuka / Akihiro Shinohara / Saori Hayami / Yui Horie / Sayumi Suzushiro / Serika Hiromatsu / Misa Ishii / Misaki Watada / Miho Okasaki / Yuko Kaida Tennis: “The New Prince of Tennis” © Tsuyoshi Kuhi / SHUEISHA, NAS, Prince of Tennis Project Official website: The New Prince…
[Latest Summer 2024 Edition] Ten cool places in Japan where you can enjoy voice-guided tours by popular voice talents!
Japan’s summer continues to be extremely hot! When you are outdoors, you have to consider the risk of heat stroke…This is recommended for this mid-summer when the sun is shining!We have carefully selected and introduced 10 of the best places to go indoors, where you can cool off, do free summer research, and, best of all, listen to voice guidance and narration by voice talents!