Anna Yamaki appearance at the Tottori Prefectural Museum of Art’s opening celebration event to experience 1,300-year-old Buddhist culture!

Anna Yamaki, a voice actress, will appear at the “Yomigaeru Daigodo” event to be held in Tottori Prefecture on February 11, 2025.
This event is a commemorative event featuring the “Omidou Abandoned Temple Site,” a nationally designated historic site in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture.
Tottori Prefectural Art Museum” to open in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, in March 2025.
The Tottori Prefectural Art Museum will open in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, in March 2025. In front of the building is a vast lawn. In fact, there was a large temple here about 1,300 years ago. It is called “Omido.
It is one of the oldest temples in the San’in region, and Buddhist culture flourished here with the Omido as its centerpiece.

Omido Haiji Ato” is said to be one of the oldest temple sites in the San’in region, built in the middle of the 7th century. During the Asuka Period, Buddhist culture flourished with Omidou, one of the oldest ancient temple ruins, at the center. Buried cultural assets such as ornaments with continental roots, tiles with intricate patterns, and “full-body image onigawara,” which depicts a demon’s entire body, which are rarely seen elsewhere, were also found here. Because of its historical importance, the site is now designated as a national historic site.
This event, “Reviving Omido,” will commemorate the opening of the Tottori Prefectural Museum of Art on March 30, 2025 (Sunday), and will feature a talk event and shomyo (Buddhist chanting) performance on the theme of “Omido Abandoned Temple Site,” which is being developed into a historic site park adjacent to the museum. The Tottori Prefectural Museum of Art will also take advantage of its location to provide a panoramic view of the “Omido Abandoned Temple Site” from above, and will present a light and image show that brings the “Omido” back to life through projection mapping.
This is a program that can be enjoyed by a wide range of visitors, from archaeology fans to the general public. We will provide an opportunity for many people to know, feel, and enjoy this place where many cultures and knowledge that have been nurtured in the rich nature and climate of Kurayoshi City are gathered.
Table of Contents | Contents |
Schedule | February 11, 2025 (Tuesday, national holiday) |
Schedule | 14:00-15:00 [Fee-based event] Site tour of Omidou Abandoned Temple Site and interpretation session 15:30-17:00 Part 1: Talk Event “OH! 17:00-18:00 Part 2: Special performance of Shomyo (Buddhist chanting) from Hase-ji Temple 18:00 – 20:00 Part 3: Projection Mapping “Reviving the Great Hall |
Location | Tottori Prefectural Art Museum Address: 2-3-12 Dakyoji-cho, Kurayoshi City, Japan |
Admission | [Part 1 – Part 3] Standing viewing: Free of charge Reserved seats and priority viewing: Adults 1,500 yen (tax included), Junior high school students and younger 200 yen (tax included) [Paid event: Site visit and commentary] 2,000 yen (tax included) *Limited to 20 people. Includes reserved seats and priority viewing for the first three sessions. |
Organizer | Tottori Prefectural Art Museum Art Tourism Executive Committee |
Planning and Management | Creek & River Inc. |
For details and application | |
The event consists of three parts
Part I: Talk Event “OH!
Time | 15:30-17:00 |
Venue | Tottori Prefectural Art Museum Hiroma |
This talk event will discuss how to enjoy ancient romance from the perspective of archaeology fans on the theme of Omido Abandoned Temple Site. We will explore the interesting aspects of Omido, which has attracted the attention of archaeological enthusiasts, and discuss ways to enjoy the romance of antiquity even more.
Kurayoshi Museum Director, Kurayoshi Museum of History and Folklore | Teruo Nerei |
Historical commentator History writer Japanese history instructor at prep school | Shunichiro Kanaya |
Voice actor from Tori Prefecture Honorary member of Kofun Association | Anna Yamaki |

Part 2: Special Shomyo (Buddhist chanting) concert at Hase-ji Temple, the head temple of the Buddhist sect
Time | 17:00-18:00 |
Venue | Tottori Prefectural Art Museum Hiroma |
A special concert of solemn Shomyo (Buddhist chanting) will be given by monks invited from Hase-ji Temple in Nara Prefecture. Shomyo is a religious music with verses added to Buddhist sutras that originated in India. Visitors will enjoy the singing that takes them on a journey of a thousand years. At the same time, a replica of the “Great Kannon Painting Scroll,” the largest hanging scroll in Japan at 16 meters high, will be on special display. Combined with the performance of shomyo (Buddhist chanting), visitors will be able to enjoy a powerful stage performance.

▼ Shomyo, a chanted chanting with verses from Haseji Temple [YouTube].
According to the YouTube summary, Shomyo is a traditional Japanese religious music, equivalent to gospel music in the Christian sense.
Part 3: “Reviving the Great Hall” – a spectacle of images and light
Time | 18:00 – 20:00 *Repeated video and light shows will be shown approximately every 20 minutes. |
Venue | Enkawa (1st floor), Terrace (2nd floor), and Observation Terrace (3rd floor) |
Projection mapping shows the Daigodo as it was in its original form, giving visitors a powerful visual impression of the temple. In addition, the vast ruins of the Omido Temple will be brought back to life for one night only with light and sound effects. The theme of the production is “Bridge of Water and Light that Transcends Time. Water” represents the flow of time since ancient times, “light” represents people’s prayers, and “bridge” connects the past, present, and future. These elements appear as a path of light that transcends time and space, creating a special visual experience that connects the Tottori Prefectural Museum of Art, which is about to open, with you and your future.

Anna Yamaki, a voice actress who loves ancient tombs
(Reference) Anna Yamaki – Kofun ni Kofun Kyokai
Ms. Yamaki will appear as a guest in the first part of the talk event.
Ms. Yamaki is a voice actress from Tottori Prefecture and an honorary member of the “Kofun ni Kofun Association,” and is expected to give a talk utilizing her deep knowledge of ancient romance and history.
She has been involved in many events related to ancient tombs.
- He is also an honorary member of the Kofun Association.
- He is known as a “Kofun-loving voice actor” and organizes bus tours to visit kofun tombs.
On July 30, 2023, ” Let’s be Tomb Friends with Anna Yamaki and Mariko Fun Tour in Watanuki Kannon-yama Kofun Tomb in Gunma Prefecture ” was held.
In this tour, Ms. Yamaki visited Watanuki Kannon-yama Kofun with the participants and gave a “talk bursting with love for kofun” in the bus. - In 2024, ” Let’s be FUN YOU with Anna Yamaki Tour – Gunma and Ikaho Hot Springs ” was held, a two-day event to visit the tombs and ruins.
These activities show that Anna Yamaki has a deep interest in kofun tumuli and archaeology, and is actively involved in activities to spread the word about their appeal.

Anna Yamaki
Office Profile (voice sample available)
Main representative works
Game “THE IDOLM@STER: Shiny Colors” as Sakuya Shirase
Anime “Hinomaru Sumo” as Saki Tennoji
Anime “Rifle is Beautiful” as Yukio Igarashi
Anime “MARS RED” as Ayame, etc.
She is active in a wide range of activities including anime, games, narration, and radio.
Feel the history of Buddhism in Japan in Tottori Prefecture!
(Reference) [2020] Population Ranking of Prefectures (Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)|Sekai Hub
Which has the larger population, Koto-ku, Tokyo or Tottori Prefecture? Only about 30% of all respondents answered correctly.
Tottori Prefecture is actually the least populated prefecture in Japan! In 2024, population, demographic and household data based on the Basic Resident Ledger shows that the population is approximately 540,000.
It is hoped that the opening of the Tottori Prefectural Art Museum and the events commemorating its opening will enable many people to experience Tottori’s rich history and culture and rediscover the charms of the region.
Why not take this opportunity to visit Tottori Prefecture
?引用元)1,300年前の仏教文化を体感!映像で蘇る大寺院や僧侶の声明演奏会、トークなど 2/11(火・祝)鳥取県立美術館開館記念イベント「よみがえる大御堂」 | 株式会社クリーク・アンド・リバー社のプレスリリース

7世紀中頃に創建された、山陰地方で最も古い寺院跡の1つとされている「大御堂廃寺跡(おおみどうはいじあと)」 。飛鳥時代、この最古級古代寺院遺跡“大御堂”を筆頭に、仏教文化が華ひらきました。他ではあまり見かけない、大陸にルーツを持つ装飾品や複雑な文様のある瓦、鬼の全身を表現した「全身像鬼瓦」等の埋蔵文化財もここに眠っていました。その歴史的な重要性から、現在は国の史跡に指定されています。
本イベント「よみがえる大御堂」では、 2025年3月30日(日)にオープンする鳥取県立美術館の開館を記念し、美術館に隣接し史跡公園としての整備が進行中の「大御堂廃寺跡」 をテーマに、トークイベントや声明演奏会が開催されます。また、鳥取県立美術館ができたことで、この「大御堂廃寺跡」を上から見渡せるようになったロケーションを生かし“大御堂”をプロジェクションマッピングでよみがえらせる、光と映像のショーを上映いたします。
目次 | 内容 |
日程 | 2025年2月11日(火・祝) |
スケジュール | ・14:00~15:00 [有料イベント]大御堂廃寺跡現地見学・解説会 ・15:30~17:00 第1部 トークイベント「OH!御堂、すごすぎる!」 ・17:00~18:00 第2部 総本山長谷寺の声明 特別演奏会 ・18:00~20:00 第3部 プロジェクションマッピング「よみがえる大御堂」 |
場所 | 鳥取県立美術館 住所:倉吉市駄経寺町2丁目3−12 日本 |
参加費 | [第1部~第3部] 立ち見での鑑賞:無料 指定席・優先視聴:おとな1,500円(税込)、中学生以下200円(税込) [有料イベント:現地見学・解説会] 2,000円(税込) ※限定20名。第1部~第3部の指定席・優先視聴料金も含まれます。 |
主催 | 鳥取県立美術館アートツーリズム実行委員会 |
企画・運営 | 株式会社クリーク・アンド・リバー社 |
詳細・申し込み | |
時間 | 15:30~17:00 |
会場 | 鳥取県立美術館ひろま |
倉吉博物館 倉吉歴史民俗資料館 館長 | 根鈴輝雄 |
歴史コメンテーター 歴史作家 予備校の日本史講師 | 金谷 俊一郎 |
取県出身声優 古墳にコーフン協会 名誉会員 | 八巻 アンナ |

時間 | 17:00~18:00 |
会場 | 鳥取県立美術館ひろま |

時間 | 18:00~20:00 ※約20分間隔で映像と光のショーを繰り返し上映 |
会場 | 1階えんがわ、2階テラス、3階展望テラスからご覧いただけます |

- 「古墳にコーフン協会」の名誉会員を務めています。
- 「古墳好き声優」として知られており、古墳を巡るバスツアーを主催しています。
2023年7月30日に「八巻アンナとまりこふんと墳友になろうツアー in群馬県 綿貫観音山古墳」を開催しました。
このツアーでは、八巻さんが参加者と共に綿貫観音山古墳を見学し、バス車内で「古墳愛炸裂トーク」を行いました。 - 2024年には「八巻アンナと墳友(FUN YOU)になろうツアー~群馬・伊香保温泉編」を開催し、2日間にわたって古墳や遺跡を巡るイベントを行いました。

八巻 アンナ
アニメ「MARS RED」彩芽役
東京都江東区と鳥取県、人口が多いのはどちら? 正解したのは全体の約3割だった | LIMO | くらしとお金の経済メディア