POKÉDANCE was a big hit in 2024! CHOCOLATE Inc’s latest work is pity and cute short MOGOSE anime with popular voice actors.
For those who love “pity and cute” characters, here is a new YouTube channel for you!
CHOCOLATE Inc., the creator of POKÉDANCE, has been releasing short animated videos on YouTube since December 2024, and we would like to summarize them here!
▼ [Official] Pokémon Day Commemoration! “POKÉDANCE” animated music video featuring Pokémon partners from past generations dancing!
CHOCOLATE ANIMATIONS just released in December 2024!
CHOCOLATE ANIMATIONS, a YouTube channel, released “BABIES OF BREAD(パンの赤ちゃん)” on December 6 and “SWEETS MATE(スイーツメイト) “ on December 10!
Now you can become an veteran fan of CHOCOLATE ANIMATIONS, check it out right away!
Official YouTube | CHOCOLATE ANIMATIONS – YouTube |
BABIES OF BREAD: Official X | Short animation “BABIES OF BREAD” [Official] (@pan_baby_anime) |
SWEETS MATE: Official X | Petite anime “SWEETS MATE” [Official] (@sweets_mate) |
Chii-Kawa, Opan Chusagi, PUI PUI Morker’s lineage
Is this character genre “Mogose genre”?
In recent years, manga and anime content featuring “pity and cute” characters have become very popular. When we asked AI if there was a generic name for this genre, it replied, “MOGOSE , I think.
Since the word was completely unfamiliar to me, I looked it up and found the following post on 2022 X (formerly Twitter), and found that the Fukushima dialect word “mogose” has a meaning that sounds like it.
Although it is not yet a well-established word, the term “MOGOSE genre” may possibly be in vogue in 2025 and beyond, as it can become popular from a dialect.
Since this animation is from such a MOGOSE genre, I feel that it has the potential to become a fad!
Let’s take a look at “BABIES OF BREAD,” which was released on December 6!
Set in a small bakery in town, this animated short film depicts bread dough (bread babies) confronting thieves.
The trailer appeared in December, and the full-length film was released on YouTube and the film’s official X on December 6, 2024.