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3 Art Universities from which popular Seiyu graduated! What schools did Daisuke Ono, Kentaro Ito, and Yuichi Juse attend?
Did Hiroki Tochi, Akira Ishida, and Daisuke Ono graduate from the same university? We looked into the arts universities from which these voice actors graduated.
A stage play by a voice actor✕ virtual artist! “OTOGIBANASHI” starring Yuki Kaji will be played in Osaka in January 2025 and in Fukuoka in February 2025! Also starring Akira Ishida and Takahiro Sakurai!
Virtual stage play “Otogibanashi” produced by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO, starring Hiroki Kaji, Akira Ishida, and Takahiro Sakurai, will be performed in Osaka in January 2025 and in Fukuoka in February 2025! Collaborations with voice actors and the challenge of virtual artists to enter the realm of acting are also noteworthy.
“Haniwa Boom”? Akira Ishida&Toshiyuki Morikawa, and Mayumi Tanaka will give an audio guide at the Haniwa exhibition!
An unprecedented haniwa boom?Starting in October 2024, haniwa exhibitions are going to be held at three different locations. We have put together an exhibition with an audio guide by Akira Ishida and Toshiyuki Morikawa, an exhibition with an audio guide by Mayumi Tanaka, and a haniwa exhibition in Chiba, so that you will not make a mistake in where you go.Also, I would like to mention a little about Haniwa in this article! Exhibition Name Location Audio Guide Special Exhibition Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Designation of the Warrior in Keiko Armor as a National Tresure Haniwa Heiseikan, Tokyo National Museum Akira Ishida, Toshiyuki Morikawa The Modern Exhibition of Haniwa and Clay Figures The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Mayumi Tanaka Tabisuru Haniwa (Traveling Haniwa): Interregional Exchange in Haniwa Terra-cotta Tomb Figures in Boso Ichihara Museum of History – Akira Ishida and Toshiyuki Morikawa will be the audio guidesSpecial Exhibition Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Designation of the Warrior in Keiko Armor as a National Tresure Haniwa The National Treasure “Warrior in Keiko Armor,” a masterpiece of Haniwa (clay terra-cotta tomb figurine).To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the designation of this haniwa as a national treasure, about…
DAN DADAN, A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!, Natsume’s Book of Friends Shichi , Strangeness/Yokai Animation!(Pick up the official video of the anime September 10, 2024 edition)【Trends】
SeiyuJournal recommends a wide range of anime videos to check out, from popular voice actors to young voice actors!This time, we will pick three from fall anime that start next month October, some of which feature yokai and strangeness monsers! TV anime “DAN DADAN” Description: Momo (Momo Ayase), a high school girl born into a family of mediums, and her classmate Okarun (Ken Takakura), an occult fanatic. Momo saved Okarun from a class bully and the two began talking, but Momo, who “believes in ghosts but is an alien denier,” and Okarun, who “believes in aliens but is a ghost denier,” get into an argument. Two people who helped him to talk, but he got into an argument with Momo, who “believes in ghosts but is an alien denier,” and Okarn, who “believes in aliens but is a ghost denier. In order to make them believe in aliens and ghosts, which they both deny, Momo goes to the ruins of a hospital, a UFO spot, and Okarun goes to a tunnel, a haunted spot. There, the two encounter an overwhelming monstrosity that transcends comprehension. Momo awakens her hidden power in the midst of her predicament, and Okarun, who has the…